Wanting to remember but forgetting.

Wanting to remember but forgetting... is another symptom of brain deterioration in the elderly. Memory loss, such as forgetting things stored in memory or important information, can occur due to abnormalities in brain function, similar to difficulties in reasoning, analysis, and self-control.

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common causes of dementia in the elderly, and currently, there is no cure. Therefore, medical care focuses on modifying the patient's environment to ensure safety and providing assistance to caregivers in coping with the patient's changing behaviors.

10 warning signs that an elderly person may be experiencing dementia include:

  1. Repeating questions or stories, forgetting recent events while still remembering older ones well.
  2. Difficulty following instructions correctly, such as forgetting steps to pay bills at the bank or driving.
  3. Struggling with familiar tasks or activities, both at home and work.
  4. Confusion about people, dates, or places.
  5. Difficulty understanding visual images and linking what they see with decision-making, leading to accidents or getting lost frequently.
  6. Trouble finding the right words in speech or writing, often pausing during conversations or repeating the same words or phrases.
  7. Misplacing items in unusual locations and being unable to recall where they placed them.
  8. Decreased ability to make decisions or neglecting personal hygiene and household cleanliness, such as forgetting to groom for important events or deciding what to do.
  9. Withdrawing from work or favorite activities.
  10. Changes in mood and personality, like appearing confused, agitated, fearful, or depressed.

25 Dec, 2023

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