Neurological Center

Our center offers diagnostic, assessment, and treatment services for patients with neurological conditions such as stroke, paralysis, seizures, migraines, sleep disorders, olfactory and movement abnormalities. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and effective treatment methods adhering to international standards. Additionally, we provide consultation, screening, and treatment for individuals with cognitive and mental health issues, including anxiety, insomnia, depression, and smoking cessation support.

Equipment and Treatment Technology

  • 1 Vital Signs Monitoring Room
  • 1 Blood Drawing Room
  • 1 Procedure Room for Symptom Observation
  • 7 Examination Rooms
  • 1 Electroencephalography (EEG) and Acupuncture Room

Services and Treatment

Neuro Medicine

We provide consultation and treatment for general neurological conditions, including headaches, migraines, peripheral neuropathy, hemiplegia, stroke, and paralysis. Our team of experienced neurologists collaborates with multidisciplinary professionals to deliver comprehensive care, emphasizing patient and family involvement.

Neuro Surgery

Our neurosurgeons offer diagnosis and treatment for brain-related conditions such as traumatic brain injuries, cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumors, and spinal cord injuries. We utilize modern surgical techniques and technologies to address abnormalities of the nervous system and spine, ensuring international standards of care.


Our psychiatric services include consultation, screening, and treatment by expert psychiatrists specializing in psychopharmacotherapy for individuals with cognitive and mental health disorders, including anxiety, insomnia, depression, and smoking cessation support.

Smoking Cessation Center

We provide information, advice, and motivation to change smoking behavior, along with medical consultations and support from skilled healthcare professionals. Our team monitors patients closely, offering comprehensive care tailored to individual needs, addressing any obstacles to smoking cessation such as depression, anxiety, or stress.

Carotid Duplex Ultrasounds

This diagnostic procedure evaluates blood flow in the carotid arteries to detect any abnormalities or blockages that may increase the risk of stroke or other vascular conditions.

Electroencephalography (EEG)

EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain to diagnose and plan the treatment of conditions such as epilepsy and other neurological disorders affecting brain function.

Polysomnography/Sleep Test

Contact Neurological Center
  • location
    1st Floor, Building C
  • Open time
    Daily 8.00-20.00 hrs.
  • Telephone
    038-320300 ext. 4183,4184
  • Email